

Created by The Black Piper

Inspired by New York Times Best-Selling novel The Black Prism by Brent Weeks, experience the vibrance of the Seven Satrapies through prismatic eyes. The Black Prism is the beginning of a story that explores the many facets of what it means to "do the next right thing," even in the midst of darkness. Join Kip in discovering what it means to be the bastard son of the most powerful man in the known world as he joins Gavin, Karris, and a spectrum of other characters. This album presents these stories through epic, cinematic orchestral music from a team of professional Hollywood composers. The Black Prism is the official musical companion for the Lightbringer saga by Brent Weeks. Join us as we ignite the Thousand Stars.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're Getting Soloists!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 10:36:19 AM

Hello fellow Drafters,

Just a quick note to say that The Black Prism album is getting soloists! We reached the achievement this morning, and we are so excited to be able to collaborate with our musician friends to record solos. We know you are all interested in upgrading the quality of the album, and recording live musicians is one of the fastest ways to do that!


What's Next?

Now that solos have been unlocked, the next thing on the list is: more songs! Many of you filled out our survey and indicated that, just below album quality in terms of importance, more music was high on the priority list.

So... let's do it!

Our next achievements will focus on adding tracks to the album. The more we raise, the more tracks we can add. Let's make this album as epic as we can!

Thank You

You are all awesome, and we are so stoked to be recording! We can't wait to share the process/progress with you.

All the best,
Michael & The Team @ The Black Piper

over 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 05:08:50 PM

Hi everyone,

Wow, what a turnout! Thank you all for jumping onto the relaunch and pledging so quickly - you really came through! We're getting a Lightbringer album!

There was a minute there we were hovering at just $4 below the funding goal. I don't know which one of you pledged the extra $4 to cause the campaign to land right on the money at $7k, but you're awesome!

You are all amazing!

One of the Ian's on our Discord server was joking when he posted the following image and wondered aloud, "How will we ever reach our goal?!"

A minute or two later, we were there!

What's Next?

Since we're only a few days into the campaign, the next question is: what next?

The answer is that we are very interested in making this album the best it can be. There are two things we learned from our survey that you are all most interested in: better quality music and more music (in that order). So, now that we (and by we, I mean all of you amazing people) have unlocked the album itself, it is now time to turn our attention to UPGRADES!

First on the list: soloists!

We have a great network of amazing Hollywood musicians who are ready and excited to record. As the graphic above states, the biggest thing that we can do to raise the quality of the album is to record live musicians. There is something magical and special about being "in the room" with musicians who are at the top of their game and having "serious fun", recording live sounds.

Additional Tracks

After that, we will focus on adding additional tracks to the album, which, as we raise the money for each additional track, will allow us to be able to hire more composers. This in turn will only raise the quality of what we are doing.

Let's see how far we can go!!


Thank you all - each of you - for helping us get to this point. We can only do what we do because of you, and you can be sure we will be putting our souls into this album.

Many of you have reached out in various ways to share support, thoughts, and ideas through Discord, social media, the survey, and email. This has meant so much, both the encouraging thoughts and the ideas for improvement. We are grateful for you and have carefully listened to and weighed every single one of your thoughts.

If any of you are interested or inclined to reach out and talk, please do! If you want to share your excitement or want to voice thoughts or concerns or just want to talk through something - hit us up.

You're wonderful.

All the best,
Michael & The Team @ The Black Piper